Tuesday, April 26, 2011

For Robert

I never thought I'd see this day,
I never thought I'd feel this way,
You...a stranger to me now.
I'm left with emptiness...
I wish I knew how it could be,
That we were once so open and free.
You were like my brother.. yet so much more
I wish I would have seen what I see now before.
For, I did not and it's too late...
My friend, my lover once, is now unknown.
And what hurts the most is I now know..
What I lost.. and I'm alone.
To face a challenge life has sent,
And not a moment with you I've spent.
I hope one day I can forgive you, my friend..
I miss you....
Why did you go? 

i wish it could be like it was when we were young, but times change. 
i still love you but i will not say that what you did was allright 
you always quoted that song " theirs never a right time to say good bye" but this time is right and i need to say something ,so good bye 
maybe  someday i can tell you this
maybe someday i will see you again
this really hurts to think that you don't care 
drugs were you'r only goal
i was the farthest thing from you'r mind
i still love you
please change 
please be sorry
please get help
if i never see you again i will never forget you


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