Thursday, April 7, 2011


i love drummers, almost every boy i have ever liked is a drummer. 

 this is Seth, my sister's boyfriend's best friend. he would be really creeped out if he know i was blogging about him

 this is Andrew Wetzal, the drummer for Attack Attack, he is my new favorite drummer (as of yesterday) 

i just spent like 10min. trying to find a picture of Emmet, my little brothers best friend, but i could not. 
so i will just tell you about him 

  • he is really cute
  • he is 14 so when i say he is cute my brother gets creeped out
  • he is a really good drummer
  • he is super hyper
if i ever find the video of him singing " I'm proud to be an Arabian" i will post it

well that is all for today
good by 

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