Saturday, December 15, 2012

Short Films

My Dad has recently gotten me into watching short films, so I decided to post my favorites. Hope you enjoy!


Friday, October 26, 2012

Online Dating

   One of my best friends recently got a girlfriend. After asking him a lot of questions about her, and only being told that she is nice and I would like her, I asked how they met. Turns out, they met through an online dating service. Meeting that way makes for the most uninteresting "how we met" stories. At least Jesse's story of how he met his now ex-girlfriend was interesting. They met when they were square dancing. Sure she turned out to be a total bitch, but it was still a good story. 
    So I did what any friend (or stalker) would do, and found this girls facebook page. Sadly it did not tell me much about her. Although, I will say she, does look like a nice person. Next I decided to check out the web sight that set them up. I found a page with pictures and mini biographies of the staff. I read it all, of course. The staff of this web sight are all young, ambitious, creative, and completely insane. I think it is the best online dating service ever, and my friend should be able to live happily ever after with his new girl. I am just wondering if it is ok to make fun of them for being desperate enough to use online dating, or if I should wait until I have a boyfriend to make fun of other peoples desperateness.

I love this photograph. 
It is the new background image on my/Jesse's computer. 
I am not sure how he feels about it yet.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Rocket to the Moon

I was listening to Pandora the other day, and I heard this song that made me fall in love instantly. I am posting the lyrics here so that you can enjoy them too! You should look up the song as well, it is really good.

                                                             "Baby Blue Eyes"

My eyes are no good- blind without her,
The way she moves, I never doubt her.
When she talks, she somehow creeps into my dreams.
She's a doll, a catch, a winner
I'm in love and no beginner;
Could ever grasp or understand just what she means.

Baby, baby blue eyes,
Stay with me by my side;
'Til the mornin', through the night.
Well baby,
Stand here, holdin' my sides,
Close your baby blue eyes;
Every moment feels right.
And I may feel like a fool,
But I'm the only one, dancin' with you.

I drive her home when she can't stand,
I like to think I'm a better man
For not lettin' her do what she's been, known to do.
She wears heels and she always falls,
So I let her think she's a know-it-all.
But whatever she does wrong, it seems so right.
My eyes don't believe her,
But my heart, swears by her.

Baby, baby blue eyes,
Stay with me by my side;
'Til the mornin', through the night. (can't get you out of my mind)
Well baby,
Stand here, holdin' my sides,
Close your baby blue eyes;
Every moment feels right.
And I may feel like a fool,
But I'm the only one, dancin' with you.
Can't get you out of mind.

I swear, I've been there.
I swear, I've done that.
I'll do whatever it takes, just to see those

Baby, baby blue eyes,
Stay with me by my side;
'Til the mornin', through the night. (can't get you out of my mind)
Baby, stand here, holdin' my sides,
Close your baby blue eyes;
Every moment feels right.
And I may feel like a fool,
But I'm the only one, dancin' with those

Baby, baby blue eyes,
Stay with me by my side;
'Til the mornin', through the night. (can't get you out of my mind)
Baby, stand here, holdin' my sides,
I'm closin' your baby blue eyes;
Every moment feels right. (every moment feels right)

My eyes are no good- blind without her,
The way she moves, I never doubt her.
When she talks, she somehow creeps into my, dreams.

I am trying to put together a mix CD, for my sister, of love songs. I still need a few more. So if you have any great ideas please comment and let me know. I am looking for alternative, indie, and soft rock. Thanks! 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Update on my life (like you care)

Just realized That I had not blogged in forever. probably because in the last few months my life went totally, and completely crazy! shortly after my last post, my parents decided to get divorced. Now, you need to understand that my parents teach relationship classes for a living. They know how to make a relationship work, and they know how important it is to the well being of children to have married parents. Apparently they just don't care. Even though I am not the oldest kid in my family, (I am number 6 of ten) my mum thought I was the most mature, and could handle knowing about the divorce first. So I knew a whole week before any of my other siblings, two weeks before some of them. Sadly I can not handle everything as well as my mother would like. I had some moments when I freaked out, and I would like to take this moment to thank my amazing friend Scott for letting me cry on his shoulder, and making my feel altogether better about life. That is the good thing about crappy situations, it shows you who your real friends are. Real friends are not the people who see that you are upset but just ignore you, they are the people who will be there when you want to talk about it, hold you when you want to cry about it, and give you ice-cream when you want to get over it. So after sometime I am happily living in the state of denial, and getting on with my life. I started the search for a college, and the application proses that made me want to shoot myself. I was excepted to the University of Hartford, were I am now, and life was alright. Than I went to Georgia for a conference with my youth group. The denial started to ware off on the (incredibly long) car ride there, but it was easy to ignore with all my friends around, and the Jesus high of a youth conference. I had a great week, but than I went home. The depression hit my like a wall of bricks the secant I got home. I also noticed that something was wrong with my sister. she was acting really weird, and was not wearing her engagement ring any more, but would not talk to me about it. At 9:00 I was not feeling well, and was depressed, and concerned about my sister. So I took some meds to make me sleep. Than I went on facebook to pass the time till I was sleepy. Justina walked in the room than and was about to leave, but I told her that we needed to talk. Our conversation went something like this. 
Me: You need to talk to me, I am worried sick about you.
Justi: I don't want to tell you what I did, you will hate me
Me: I could never hate you, you are my sister.
Justi: You don't know what I did.
Me: Please tell me, I am imagining the worst.
Justi: Anthony and I broke up because I cheated on him.
Me: Why would I hate you for that? Who did you cheat on him with?
Justi: I don't want to tell you.
Me: You have to tell me.
Justi: With her.
Me: I still love you, but I have to go.

That is when I ran outside and threw up in some bushes. I am not proud of that reaction, or of what I did next, but that is what happened.

And now, because this blog has had way to many words so far, a photo I found interesting

Now back to my story. After I was done puking, I decided I did not want to be home any more. So I ran up the road to a bridge, hid under it, and tried to be a live-under-a-bridge person. After about five minutes, I realized that living under a bridge totally sucked, and that I was not wearing any shoes. I went back to my house, got some shoes, and my phone, told my mum I was leaving, got into a fight with my mum, and left. I went to another bridge and called my friend Jesse. He did not pick up his phone. I called three times, and he still did not answer. So I gave up and called my aunt. She came and got me, but insisted on telling my mum that I was with her. We went to her house,and she let me talk about how I was feeling. For some reason I love to talk about how I feel. The medicine I had taken had kicked in by now, and I was feeling tired, and a bit numb. I went to bed in my cousin's amazingly soft bed, and was so glade I was no longer a live-under-a-bridge person. That is how I ended the most emotional day of my life. The next day I woke up to the best day of my life. As much as I would like to write all about it now, this blog is already to long, and I have homework to do. I guess I will have to tell the rest another day. Until than, be happy, live a good life, and don't diss gay people. Lots of love, SarahGene                                                                                                               


Saturday, January 21, 2012

coolet 18th birthday party ever!

I am now a legal Adult! And I had an amazing party to prove it.
                              Me and my sisters. Tiffany, Justina, and Kiki
                                                My friend Hannah 

                                             Justina, Emmett, and I 

I would like the thank:

My Mum for doing every thing she could to give me the best child hood and the best party ever.

Charley for making me an amazing cake 

Scott for making me diner, lending me his jacket, helping me pick the perfect shoes, dancing with me, telling me I looked lovely, and helping wash the dishes.

Emmett for climbing up a huge later to hang pink streamers from the ceiling.

Jesse for his amazing skills 

 And all my friends and family who spent this special day with me!