Friday, May 13, 2011

music criticing

My sister, Justina, wants me to be a DJ, i already have a DJ name, Funk Master SG, thanks to Jay. I want to be a music critic. I want to tell people what to listen to and I want them to listen to me. Sometimes on yahoo answers people like what i tell them too. they also take my dating advice and i have never had a boyfriend.
But i digress, if i controled what everyone lisend to than Katie Pery would not exist, Lady GaGa would make more songs like paparazy, and the Ting Ting would not be one hit wonders. Also bands I like would get played on the radio, on like hit music stations not just little unherd of colladge stations. The only good thing about listening to obscure songs is that on itunes they only cost .99 cents.

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