Saturday, January 21, 2012

coolet 18th birthday party ever!

I am now a legal Adult! And I had an amazing party to prove it.
                              Me and my sisters. Tiffany, Justina, and Kiki
                                                My friend Hannah 

                                             Justina, Emmett, and I 

I would like the thank:

My Mum for doing every thing she could to give me the best child hood and the best party ever.

Charley for making me an amazing cake 

Scott for making me diner, lending me his jacket, helping me pick the perfect shoes, dancing with me, telling me I looked lovely, and helping wash the dishes.

Emmett for climbing up a huge later to hang pink streamers from the ceiling.

Jesse for his amazing skills 

 And all my friends and family who spent this special day with me!