Thursday, August 11, 2011

really kinda awkward relationship

The boy that i had mentioned in an earlier post, Zach, and i went on a date. it was awkward ( and awkward is a strange word) so any way we went to the movies and it was really fun. but than when i saw him again it was like are we dating? or are we just friends that went on a date? so then we were talking to our friend Jesse and he was saying how our other friend Jesse had asked out the girl he liked, Ashly, and she had said yes and they went to see a movie and it was the same movie Zach and i had seen. 
    later i was telling my sister about Jesse and Ashly and we realized that he is 12 years older than her. Justi said that they were like Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, except the other way around. And now the point of this story. ASHTON KUTCHER IS REALLY HOT!!!!!!!!!!